Problématique/Demande Clientte

The OAFL, Family Assistance Office, offers several assistance and support services to families, particularly the elderly. Active for more than 60 years in the province of Luxembourg, this institution has always worked very discreetly. Management wanted to give more visibility to its services and strengthen its notoriety. 


Punch communication proposed a strategy based on 2 main communication axes. 

Axis 1: an action plan for visibility of services with an original campaign mechanism which was linked to the International Day of Older Persons. This day, in perfect harmony with the DNA of the OAFL, gave meaning to our action. A broad multi-channel plan was deployed as well as a somewhat offbeat visual campaign. 

Axis 2: the mobilization of 200 workers so that they are “ambassadors” of their brand. Workers were involved before the launch of the communication campaign. Through World Café, each worker was able to choose between 2 very different advertising concepts. It was a matter of both involving them and carrying out full-scale A/B testing. Everyone has become a standard bearer for their institution. 

  • The overall communication plan with objectives for each target audience
  • The campaign mechanics and the #campaign.
  • All communication media: videos, social media, TV and radio spots, press conferences, awareness raising in related sectors, etc.
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Originalité/force du projet :
  • Faire participer les collaborateurs et les impliquer dans la campagne.
  • Greffer l’opération marketing sur une Journée internationale pour profiter de la dynamique de sensibilisation autour de cette journée.
  • La création de visuels un peu décalés et éloignés de l’image classique des soins aux personnes âgées.

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